Services Offered.
Whether it’s laying the foundation for a healthy smile or fixing something that’s not quite perfect, we offer all of the dental services your child needs to look and feel their best.
Preventive Care Visits
Scheduled twice a year, preventive care visits include oral examinations, cleaning, fluoride treatments and x-rays.
This is a thin protective coating applied to the deep grooves of teeth to help prevent decay.
A natural mineral that will bind to the tooth and will make it more resistant to decay.
The removal of a tooth that is no longer viable.
Dental procedures used to restore the structure and functionality of a tooth.
Sedation Dentistry
Use of medication to help patients relax during dental procedures.
Special Needs Care
Individualized dental care for patients with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, childhood cancer, and other genetic/medical disorders.
Space Maintainers
Appliances used to maintain space for permanent teeth to grow into if a primary tooth is lost prematurely.